Finding Purpose in Grief

Finding Purpose in Grief

It was January, we had just finalized the adoption of our son and arrived back in the United States. My family was living in a happy little bubble– reunited as a family of four, playing, laughing, bonding, and attaching. 

When out of nowhere tragedy struck. 

A few months later, when everyone else’s lives moved on, seemingly unphased, as they do. Our family was still sitting in the depths of disbelief trying to process our new reality and navigating how to move forward. It was then that Kate asked to stop by. 

At this time, Katelyn was a co-worker of mine in a school district. She had been supporting me with a deeper level of empathy as she was a member of the club too. The club no one just learning how to be an adult themselves should belong to… the dead Dad club. 

She brought along a small gift and a big hug. Inside the gift bag was a miniature chair with a sentiment to reserve our loved ones a seat because they are always with us. It was such a simple gesture but it had the most significant impact. 

It was so much more than a gift– it was a reminder that my grief had not been forgotten. It was comfort in community. It was acknowledgment of my Dad’s legacy and permission to share. It was simply loving someone well. 

And little did we know, this was the start of Compassion Packed Gift Co.  

Because it was through this experience that I saw the impact of truly showing up for someone during life’s most significant moments. It was the people who had lived this level of grief that knew how to care for someone walking through it. 

They know that “I’m sorry” is actually quite meaningless in moments of heartbreak. And it’s the days after the services that feel the darkest. And the anniversaries. And the firsts. And that it’s quite literally never ending because your love is just that… never ending. 

So, instead they show up with messages of validation and meaningful items delivered to your doorstep. 

And I decided if I could take anything positive away from that life altering event, it would be to start showing up for others in this way. The way Katelyn did. 

From then on, life would keep throwing us both curveballs of great joy and deep pain… and we found ourselves dreaming up a business together where we could create meaningful gift boxes for all of life’s most significant moments. But, just like Katelyn’s gift to me… it would stand for so much more than the physical items. It’s the message and the mission that we are driven to spread far and wide. And with your support and God’s graciousness we will one day have a space to unite our community and simultaneously spread a word of acceptance and inclusion for people of all abilities.

Our first gift box we designed was the Healing Box, composed of items that we know first hand are comforting during times of grief. From the peppermint tea for when reality is making you sick to your stomach to the essential oil eye mask when your face is swollen from tears. The book options are books that we were personally gifted after the loss of our parents by fellow grievers. They truly carried us through different stages of our losses. 

The other beautiful part about our Healing Box is that it is not only for those that are healing from grief. The items are universal in that they can support someone healing in any form or even just deserving of self care. The book ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse’ is a comforting read for any stage or season of life. 

A friend, a widow, a postpartum mama, a sister, a caretaker, a divorcee, a grandmother–

At any given time, I could choose this box for so many individuals in my life. 


And, don’t forget to share your heartfelt message with us for your gift recipient. The touch of a handwritten card is often the most appreciated. If you are feeling uncertain on what to say to someone who is grieving, check out our next blog post or you can always message us at for support on generating a message. 

As always, we’re here to help you care for your loved ones well. 




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